Sunday Worship Options Drive In Church 9am for a half hour service stay in your vehicle and listen on your FM radio 10am In Person Worship in the Sanctuary Both Services are on Facebook live and can also be viewed later at any time
Worship Options according to your comfort level, needs and health situation In Person Sanctuary Worship Starts Sunday June 14 at 10am Also live on Facebook and phone in to listen option Drive In Services At 9 and 10:30 am continue
Do you have a Church Home? Visit a Diverse and Welcoming one at the link below, Treasure Hills Church
French Nite Adult Fellowship this Friday Sept 8 at 6:30 pm, bring a French food dish to share and come dressed French if you like for more info call 873-0067 ask for Piere
French Nite, an Adult Fellowship, this Friday nite at 6:30pm, bring a French food dish to share & come dressed French if you like Call 873-0067 for more info
Country Fair Every 1st Sat in Nov 9-2pm The recent Country Fair Day at Treasure Hills Church was well attended. We raised money to give away to local charities in Harlingen and to State and World Missions. Even the Harlingen Police Dept. had an exhibit....