Our Traditional Style Hour Long Worship Service
10.a.m. Worship Service (all year)
Includes Children’s Sermon & Children’s Church. *Nursery Care available during Worship. Holy Communion is the first Sunday every other month starting in February. Holy Communion also on Christmas Eve and Maundy Thursday. All are invited to participate.
Holy Communion is celebrated the 1st Sunday of every month.

Church History
Treasure Hills Presbyterian Church was chartered in June, 1963. It was a seed from the First Presbyterian Church in Harlingen. The congregation initially worshiped on Sundays in the manse. The sanctuary was built in 1964. The classroom and office addition were built in 1978.
A new larger sanctuary was ready for the start of 1990. The congregation is a friendly; Christ centered church that is growing.
The Governing Board of the church is the “Session” and is made up of 12 men and women selected from the congregation to service as Elders. The Session meets monthly. The name “Presbyterian” comes from the Greek word Elder and refers to the way the church organizes itself.
The Presbyterian Church
The Presbyterian denomination is a form of Christianity democratically organized to embrace the faith common to all Christians. We believe like other Christians in God, Christ, Holy Spirit, the church, forgiveness of sin, life everlasting and the Bible being the inspired Word of God and it , along with creeds and confessions of the church over the centuries, are our sources of inspiration and guidance. However, every Presbyterian must find a personal set of beliefs and interpretations through study, prayer, worship and service.

Learn More About Us
An Orientation Class following Worship is held for 45 minutes on designated Sundays
The class goes over the History and Beliefs of the Presbyterian Church and shares about the Treasure Hills Church Family and history. Child care is provided if needed.